

營業時間:週一至週日 16:00~01:00






菜單 Meun

熱炒類 Stir-fries

箭筍 Stir-Fried Arrow Bamboo Shoot with Shredded Pork

炒蘆筍 Stir-Fried Asparagus

菜脯蛋 Fried Preserved Radish with Egg

炒豬肝 Stir-Fried Pork Livers

泰式豆腐 Salted Egg with Tofu

麻婆豆腐 Mapo Tofu ( Tofu in Spicy Sauce)

家常豆腐 Braised Tofu

鹹蛋苦瓜 Salted Egg with Bitter Melon

蛤蠣絲瓜 Stir-Fried Loofah with Clam

金莎南瓜 Salted Egg with Pumpkin

椒鹽田雞 Salt and Pepper Frog

炒米血糕 Stir-Fried Pig Blood Cake

客家小炒 Hakka style Fried (Fried Shredded Pork & Dried Tofu with cuttlefish)

薑絲大腸 Stir-Fried Pork Large Intestine with Shredded Ginger

脆皮肥腸 Deep-Fried Pork Large Intestine

宮保皮蛋 Kung-Pao Preserved egg (Preserved Egg with Chilli and Peanuts)

五更腸旺 Pork Intestines & blood Jelly with Chilli Sauce

丁香花生 Fried Silver Fish with Peanuts

四季肥腸 Pork Intestine and String Bean

四季臭豆腐 String Bean and Stinky Tofu

魚香茄子 Braised Eggplant with Shredded Pork

肥腸茄煲 Braised Eggplant and Pork Intestine

墨魚香腸 Deep-Fried Cuttlefish Sausage

酥炸斑甲 Deep-Fried Doves

鹹蛋綠竹筍 Salted Egg with Oldham Bamboo Shoot

鹽酥杏鮑菇 Salty Crisp King Oyster Mushroom

麻辣鮑頭菇 Deep-Fried King Oyster Mushroom with Chilli Sauce

酥炸喜相逢 Deep-Fried Capelin

檸檬香雞翅 Deep-Fried Lemon Chicken Wings

炸黃金豆腐 Deep-Fried Egg ToFu

炸黃金雞柳條 Deep-fried Chicken Strip

牛肉類 Beef

炒牛肉 Stir-Fried Beef water spinach with satay sauce

牛肉捲 Deep-fried Beef Roll

油條牛肉 Fried Dough Stick with Beef

酸菜牛肉 Stir-Fried Pickled Vegetable with Beef

蠔油牛肉堡 Beef & King Oyster Mushroom with Oyster Sauce

韓式泡菜牛肉 Korean-style Kimchi Beef

羊肉類 Mutton

炒羊肉 Stir-fried mutton & water spinach with satay sauce

羊肉捲 Deep-fried Mutton Roll

酸白菜羊肉 Stir-Fried pickled cabbage with Mutton

豬肉類 Pork

蒜泥白肉 Pork with Garlic Sauce

糖醋排骨 Spareribs with Sweet and Sour Sauce

橙汁排骨 Orange Juice Spareribs

椒鹽排骨 Salt and Pepper Spareribs

炒山豬肉 Stir-Fried Wild Boar

炒酸菜白肉 Stir-Fried pickled cabbage Pork

麻油松坂肉 Seasame Oil Pork Neck Meat

雞肉類 Chicken

椒麻雞 Spiced Chicken with Chili Sauce

宮保雞丁 Kung-Pao Chicken (Chicken Cubes with Chilli and Peanuts)

脆皮雞 Crispy fried Chicken

客家油雞腿 Oil Chicken Leg

海鮮類 Seafood

溪蝦 Salt Crisp River Shrimp

鹹酥蝦 Salt Crisp Shrimp

燙海蝦 Scalding Shrimp with Wasabi & Soy Sauce

鳳梨蝦球 Deep-fried Shrimp Ball with Pineapple

滑蛋蝦仁 Shrimp and Scrambled Egg

蒜泥草蝦 Grass Shrimp with Garlic Sauce

金莎草蝦 Salted egg with Grass Shrimp

宮保蝦仁 Kung-Pao Shrimp (Shrimp with Chilli and Peanuts)

自製手工蝦捲 Deep-Fried Handmade Shrimp rolls

泰式檸檬草蝦 Grass Shrimp with lemon , Spicy and Sour Sauce

泰式月亮蝦餅 Thai Style Shrimp Pancake

蚵仔酥 Deep-fried Oyster

蒜泥鮮蚵   Oyster with Garlic Sauce

蔭鼓鮮蚵 Oyster with black bean sauce

油條鮮蚵 Fried Dough Stick with Oyster

蜜汁中卷 Deep-fried Squid with Honey Sauce

咖哩中卷 Deep-fried Squid with Curry Sauce

麻辣花枝 Deep-fried Squid with Spicy Sauce

生炒花枝 Stir-Fried Squid Stew

清蒸魚 Steamed Perch with Fish Sauce

乾煎魚 Fried milkfish Belly

糖醋魚 Fish with sweet & sour source

豆酥鱈魚 Steamed Codfish with Savory Crispy Beans

蔭鼓魚肚 Stew Milkfish Belly with black bean sauce

醋溜魚片 Fish Slices in Vinegar Gravy

炸水晶魚 Deep-fried Crystal Fish

泰式檸檬魚 Steamed fish with lemon , Hot and Sour Sauce

炒螺肉   Stir-Fried Ocean Escargot with Basil

炒蛤仔   Stir-Fried Clams with Basil

炒海瓜子 Stir-Fried Clams with Basil

鹹酥龍珠 Deep-fried Octopus mouth

起司軟殼蟹 Deep-fried Soft shell Crab with cheese

冷盤類 Cold Dish

 Marinated Clams

花雕蝦 Marinated Shrimps in Chinese Rice Wine and herbal medicine

五味中卷 Squid with Taiwanese Sauce

冷筍沙拉 (夏季限定) Bamboo Shoot Salad Only for Summer

魚卵沙拉 Fish Egg Salad

小龍蝦沙拉 Crayfish Salad

白斬土雞 Steamed Chicken

和風鱈魚肝 Cod Fish Liver & Onion with Japanese Sauce

綜合生魚片 Combinotion Sashimi


燒烤類 Grilled

烤中卷 Grilled Squid

烤鯖魚 Grilled Mackerel

烤味噌魚 Grilled Miso Fish

烤魚下巴 Grilled Fish Chin

烤秋刀魚 Grilled Pacific Saury

烤鮭魚頭 Grilled Salmon Head

烤牛肉串 Grilled beef skewer

烤羊肉串 Grilled Mutton Shashlik

烤鹹豬肉 Grilled Salted pork

烤松板豬肉 Grilled Pork Neck Meat

青菜類 Vagetable

高麗菜 Cabbage

培根高麗菜 Bacon with Cabbage

地瓜葉 Sweet Potato Leaves

皮蛋地瓜葉 Preserved egg with Sweet Potato Leaves

空心菜 Water Spinach

水蓮 White Water

川七 Madeira Vine

山蘇 Nest Fern with Taiwanese Capers

豆苗 (冬季限定) Pea Shoots

三杯類 Three-Cup

三杯雞腿 Stewed chicken with Soy sauce , basil

三杯田雞 Stewed frog with Soy sauce , basil

三杯中卷 Stewed Squid with Soy sauce , basil

三杯皮蛋 Stewed Preserved egg with Soy sauce , basil

三杯大腸頭 Stewed Pork Intestine with Soy sauce , basil

三杯杏鮑菇 Stewed King Oyster Mushroom with Soy sauce , basil

鐵板類 Sizzling

鐵板牛柳 Sizzling Beef with Black Pepper Sauce

鐵板豆腐 Sizzling Tofu with Black Pepper Sauce

鐵板鮮蚵 Sizzling oyster with Black Pepper Sauce

鐵板鴕鳥肉 Sizzling ostrich with Black Pepper Sauce


蛤蜊湯 Clams soup

蚵仔湯 Oyster soup

鮮魚味噌湯 Miso Fish soup

鮮魚薑絲湯 Shredded Ginger Fish Soup

蛤仔田雞湯 Frog Meat with Clam Soup

虱目魚肚湯 Milkfish Belly Soup

酸菜肚片湯 Pickled Vegetables with Pork Belly Soup

莧菜小魚羹 Little Silver Fish with Amaranth Soup

火鍋類 Hot Pot

養生甲魚鍋 Healthy Soft-Shelled Turtle hot Pot

酸菜白肉鍋 Pickled Cabbage with Meat hot Pot

陳年菜脯雞鍋 Old Preserved Vegetables and Chicken hot Pot

鳳梨苦瓜雞鍋 Bitter Melon Chicken with Pineapple hot Pot

砂鍋魚頭 Braised Fish Head hot Pot

蒜頭雞鍋 Garlic Chicken hot Pot

刈菜雞鍋(冬季限定) Mustard Green Chicken hot Pot Only for Winter

羊肉爐(冬季限定) Mutton hot Pot Only for Winter




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